Harry Wilson’s Latest Ad Details Turnaround Plan for New York

2nd Ad of $12 Million Advertising Buy

Outsider and turnaround expert Harry Wilson started airing his second television ad today, “My Plan.”

The new television ad shows the failures of the career politicians: crime, broken roads, and closed school and notes that the politicians rewarded their failures by giving themselves a pay raise.
In the ad, Wilson says he will repeal the Cuomo/Hochul tax hikes and if the politicians won’t act, he’ll make sure they don’t get paid.
The ad is the second of Wilson’s campaign. You can view the first here.
I turn around broken institutions and state government is worse than anything I’ve ever seen. Nothing works!

Rising crime, broken roads, closed schools.

Yet, Albany politicians gave themselves a massive pay raise.

My plan? Fix New York, repeal the Cuomo-Hochul tax hikes and give the money back to you. Every last dollar.

And if the politicians fail to act, they won’t get paid.

Better services, lower taxes. New York’s never seen a governor like that before.
About Harry Wilson
Harry Wilson and his wife, Eva, have been married for nearly 25 years and are the proud parents of four daughters, ages 20 to 13.
Wilson was raised in Johnstown, New York where he learned the value of hard work and doing whatever it takes to take care of your family and get the job done. His dad, a son of Greek immigrants, was a bartender. His mom, a Greek immigrant herself, worked in a sewing factory.

Harry took those lessons and used them for the rest of his life. He worked his way through college cleaning toilets and tending bar. After college and graduate school, Harry got to work.
His career had him working on turning around and saving some of our country’s most troubled and dysfunctional companies. Again and again, Harry successfully turned around large, complex organizations.
Now Harry Wilson is ready to Turnaround New York.
Learn more at www.harrywilsonforgovernor.com.