LOWER TAXES Support the Police to Fight Crime CLEAN UP CORRUPTION Fight skyrocketing costs
Harry Wilson for Governor
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About Harry
Harry Wilson grew up in Johnstown, the son and grandson of Greek immigrants. His dad tended bar and his mom worked at a sewing factory. Harry was the first in his family to go to college, working his way through by cleaning toilets and tending bar. He found success in business and used his skills to turnaround and save struggling companies. Now, he’s ready to turn around New York.
The career politicians and Albany insiders have abused the taxpayers for too long. Corruption has been rampant. The last two elected governors, Andrew Cuomo and Eliot Spitzer, have resigned in disgrace. Enough is enough. Harry Wilson is an outsider who can't be bought. He's not part of the Albany political club that has resulted in corruption. Instead, he'll clean it up. He'll enact a tough ethics plan and he'll hold the politicians accountable. And if the politicians don't start putting the people first, Harry will make sure they don't get paid.
New York gets more unaffordable every year. The primary driver is because the career politicians in Albany waste more money than any other state -- our state budget is more than $100 billion higher than Florida's, which has more people! That mismanagement is why we have the highest taxes in the country. Harry will turn that around by focusing on delivering better services and better results for New Yorkers at a lower cost -- just like every other organization has to do. He'll repeal every Cuomo/Hochul tax increase and then keep going after that. Harry is so committed to getting more of your money back to you through lower taxes that he won't let the politicians get paid until they pass a turnaround plan to do exactly that.
Violent crime is at an all time high in New York. Instead of supporting the police and getting tough on crime, the politicians have coddled criminals and pushed to defund the police. Harry Wilson will take the opposite approach. He'll back the police. He'll increase funding for police and put more police on the street. If a liberal prosecutor doesn't want to enforce the law, Wilson will fire the prosecutor. Wilson will eliminate cashless bail. The number one duty of government is to protect its citizens. Harry Wilson will prioritize safety for the people of New York.